jeudi 16 décembre 2010

Brick Breaker for Blackberry

The company Blackberry and Iphone in my opinion have the best games on there phones because these phones you can download apps on them and the apps are usually games or just stuff to keep you busy when your bored. The most popular game for the blackberry that in my opinion everyone seems to love and play on there spare time is Brick breaker. This is one of my favorite games because the game really does never end there is 34 levels but once you`ve completed all of these levels the levels restart but you dont have as much time to complete the level like you did the first time around. Brick breaker is sort of like ping pong in my opinion... sort of but not really. You have a ball and a plank at the bottom that you can move around u have to get the ball to always hit the plank as its going up in the air. As its going up in the air you have to hit the bricks . Every brick needs 3 hits before it can be completely gone. As the levels go up the bricks start being placed in harder spots for you to hit them and there is more and more bricks. Certain times when you hit a brick there is these things that look like little pills i guess that come out and  you have to catch them in order to be able to use them. You can either get a free life , there is one that is called "multi" which is 4 balls come out which gives you the chance to hit more bricks at once but it is also harder to be able to keep all 4 of the balls in the air for a long time. They also have one called catch which is once the ball hits the plank it doesnt bonce back up in the air right away, it stays on the plank until you aim the ball where you want it to go and then you launch it up in the air again. They have another one that is called "laser" which is a laser that you shoot up and it can hit the bricks also to make them eliminate. They have another one that is called gun which is a gun but you only have 3 bullets and it also eliminates the bricks. They have another one that is called flip , which is the one that i hate the most because once you catch this one the plank at the bottom the way you scroll switch so say you were going to scroll to the left to catch the ball it will go the opposite way. And finally the best one that everyone likes it the free life. This is always good to help you when you are about to have a game over.

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