jeudi 16 décembre 2010
Brick Breaker for Blackberry
The company Blackberry and Iphone in my opinion have the best games on there phones because these phones you can download apps on them and the apps are usually games or just stuff to keep you busy when your bored. The most popular game for the blackberry that in my opinion everyone seems to love and play on there spare time is Brick breaker. This is one of my favorite games because the game really does never end there is 34 levels but once you`ve completed all of these levels the levels restart but you dont have as much time to complete the level like you did the first time around. Brick breaker is sort of like ping pong in my opinion... sort of but not really. You have a ball and a plank at the bottom that you can move around u have to get the ball to always hit the plank as its going up in the air. As its going up in the air you have to hit the bricks . Every brick needs 3 hits before it can be completely gone. As the levels go up the bricks start being placed in harder spots for you to hit them and there is more and more bricks. Certain times when you hit a brick there is these things that look like little pills i guess that come out and you have to catch them in order to be able to use them. You can either get a free life , there is one that is called "multi" which is 4 balls come out which gives you the chance to hit more bricks at once but it is also harder to be able to keep all 4 of the balls in the air for a long time. They also have one called catch which is once the ball hits the plank it doesnt bonce back up in the air right away, it stays on the plank until you aim the ball where you want it to go and then you launch it up in the air again. They have another one that is called "laser" which is a laser that you shoot up and it can hit the bricks also to make them eliminate. They have another one that is called gun which is a gun but you only have 3 bullets and it also eliminates the bricks. They have another one that is called flip , which is the one that i hate the most because once you catch this one the plank at the bottom the way you scroll switch so say you were going to scroll to the left to catch the ball it will go the opposite way. And finally the best one that everyone likes it the free life. This is always good to help you when you are about to have a game over.
Should cellphones be banned while driving
In Canada they made a new law where no one is allowed to be talking on the phone while driving. I believe they should put this law everywhere in the world more than 20% of car accidents happen because someone is texting or talking on the phone while driving. Cellphones are very dangerous when it comes to driving. People get distraced very easily and start zoning out and not pay attention to the road. I know this for a fact because when im with my dad driving and he tries texting and driving he always swirvs all over the world. Especially when they are on the express ways or on highways when the speed limit is allot faster if you are texting and driving its allot easier to get in an accident because your car is going at a much faster speed which means you can crash allot faster. In the states this law is not in action, ive been to the states and the speed limit is 20km/h faster on the highways then it is here and they are allowed to talk on the phone while driving. They must have more accidents in the states. They are allowed to talk on cellphones while driving , in canada we are also allowed to talk on cellphones while driving but they MUST be handsfree. such as bluetooth.
vendredi 3 décembre 2010
The advanges & disadvantages of having a cellphone
We can use cCell phones to communicate with others wherever we are.Cell phones can help us to organize our daily plans. They can remind us of meetings, duties etc. They can also help us during school if we need a calculator and we dont have one. Most of the cellphones we have today have cellphones in them. Also if you are bored in a taxi or on a train or just plain bored you can play the games on your cellphone. Also , another advantage about having a cellphone is that if your car breaks down in the middle of no where and you are stuck by yourself you can call someone or a tow truck. Also , cellphones come in very handy when accidents happen or if people change their plans. Another advantage about having a cellphone is that if your somewhere where you cant call anyone you can just send them a text instead of calling and pretty much everyone that has a cellphone has unlimited texting so it is also allot cheaper then calling someone.
The disadvantages of having a cellphone is that if kids bring their phones in class they get very distracted and start texting. But it is their fault if they chose to bring their phones in class and pay more attention to their phones then the teacher. Cellphones are very harmful to our health , because they create radiation and can cause cancer? but in the real world what doesnt cause cancer. Doctors say that everything and pretty much anything in the world cause cancer so we dont really know if they cause cancer for real or not.
The disadvantages of having a cellphone is that if kids bring their phones in class they get very distracted and start texting. But it is their fault if they chose to bring their phones in class and pay more attention to their phones then the teacher. Cellphones are very harmful to our health , because they create radiation and can cause cancer? but in the real world what doesnt cause cancer. Doctors say that everything and pretty much anything in the world cause cancer so we dont really know if they cause cancer for real or not.
HTC desire
The phone company HTC came out with a new phone called the HTC desire. The HTC desire in my opinion is an iphone and a normal phone with a keyboard in one. The HTC desire is a full touch screen phone like the iphone but it is also if you dont want to use the touch screen you can switch to the keyboard. In my opinion I believe that the keyboard comes in very handy for this phone because sometimes people find it hard to text on the screen because it is to sensitive. The HTC desire is pretty much a computer in your pocket. You have access to the internet which means you have facebook, email , google whatever you need the internet for you have it. Also the HTC desire is like a real good digital camera. The camera on the phone is very good which means when you go out you dont need to always carry ur phone and the camera. The pictures turn out very welll which means you have one less thing to carry when you go out. Ive had allot of phones and in my opinion this will be one of my next phones. The one disadvantage about it is that if you drop it , it`s very easy for the screen to crack. The screen is huge and if you crack the screen your phone is pretty much ruined.
dimanche 7 novembre 2010
flip phones vs non flip phones
Which is better to have a flip phone ? or a nom flip phone? the disadvantages about not having a flip phone that people seem to complain about most is that since the keypad that you use to call someone isnr covered by the inside screenn , you can easily calll people on accident and or call 911 which causes some serious problems. also the problem with not having a flip phone is is that the screen easily get banged up and it doesnt stay in good condition for long. also if u have a non flip phone and ur phone is like a blackberry , it is really easy for your screen on your phone to crack. iphone screens seem to be the screens that crack the most. there are not really any disavantages about having a flip phone. One of the only disadvamtages that i didnt like about having a flip phone is that the screen on the phone is very small which makes it allot harder to see what your doing. I didnt like having a fli phone also because it was very hard to text because 3 letters were on one button. So it took allot longer to text. In my oipinion if you like texting then a non flip phone with a full keyboard is the one for you.
Should cellphones be allowed at school?
In my opinion cellphones should and shouldn't be allowed in school. Students should be allowed to have them when they are on break in between classes on lunch or just walking in the hallway, Because they are not disrupting anyone considering they are not in class. Cellphones shouldn't actually be allowed in school classrooms because students get really distracted in class with texting. If they are continuously texting during class then they don't concentrate on the teacher which causes them to have very low marks. I know that students easily get distracted by texting in class and not paying attention because i do it myself. I get distracted and start losing my concentration and can no longer pay attention to the teacher. Also they shouldnt be allowed to have cellphones in class because they can cheat on tests. they can send themselves text messages with all the answers which allows them to easily cheat. Also they can take pictures of people and post them on the internet and those people wont even know you took a picture of them. So in general cellphones should be allowed at school but not in class.
General stuff about cellphones
Cell phone are getting harder and harder to use. The only thing that people need to know how to do is call some one and to store numbers. This is not how the cell phone companies think. They think that you need text message, car phone, radio phone, and that you need 25 different channel on a phone . I could see if it was on TV. but its not. all you need to know how to call the number. All that you really need to know about working cell phone is how to dial the numbers. Everyone seems to take advantages of the cameras and other tools that are on the cellphones and it gets themselves in trouble. Teenagers are the ones who seem to be using the cellphones allot more than other people because they think it is cool to have a cellphone. Teenagers use cellphones for things that cellphones aren't meant to be used for.. They can cheat on tests by being able to search the web on their phone .. which internet access is way way way to advanced to even be on cellphones. They take pictures of things and send it to everyone and starts a whole lot of drama.
vendredi 5 novembre 2010
Blackberry Torch
Blackberry has come out with a new phone called the " Blackberry Torch" . I just got it after having my iphone and i didnt like it as much so i thought i would try a new phone. The blackberry torch is a sliding phone with a full keyboard and it also has a really big touch screen. It is the shape of one of Blackberry's older phones the blackberry storm. Its like the storm besides that the blackberry torch is a sliding phone and it also has a keyboard with actual keys. The blackberry torch in my opinion is an iphone and a blackberry at the same time. It is one of my favorite phones so far. It has allot of different features and u can do as much as u can on the iphone. The blackberry torch also has a 3G network like the iphone has. Which allows you to also search the web like u can on the iphone. The only thing that i dont like about this phone is that the speakers arent very loud if you want to listen to music out loud and not only on your headphones. I really like the slding screen that the phone has. Also one other thing I dont like is that when you lock the phone it can easily be unlocked when its in your pocket. The phone seems to make me pocket dial allot of people. Which is charging me on my phone bill every month.
lundi 18 octobre 2010
There are many types of different blackberrys that every phone company has made. The blackberry is a smartphone.The phones get more and more advanced everytime they make a new one. They have the Blackberry ; Torch, Pearl , Curve , Storme , Tour & Bold. There are newer versions of all these phones. I have owned the blackberry pearl , curve and storm but all of the older versions. The storm is a phone that is somewhat like a touch screen but its also a big key at the same time. It is not touch like the Iphone is. The screen is like a big button that you touch wherever you want to click. The pearl is a smaller version of the curve. Except the keys are double lettered instead of single letter keys. There are 2 different types of blackberry pearls. There is the blackberry pearl flip which is a flip phone but also a blackberry at the same time. The blackberry pearl 8110 is the older version of a blackberry. It is not a flip phone.
this is the blackberry pearl 8110.
Now take a look at the blackberry pearl flip and look at the similiarites.

Now take a look at the blackberry pearl flip and look at the similiarites.
The blackberry curve 8330 is allot wider than the blackberry pearl but the same butttons are in the same spots.
This is the blackberry Tour.
This is the newer version of a blackberry pearl. Instead of the pearl in the middle that you use to scroll around and click what u want its a touch pad instead and its sensored. Less chances of it breaking.
This is the blackberry bold it is similar to the new blackberry curve but the keys are allot different.
This is the blackberry storm. You can see that the screen looks like its all touch screen but dont let that fool you. I bought the phone thinking that it was all touch screen like IPhone but it isnt.
vendredi 15 octobre 2010
Iphone 3G vs. 3GS
Iphone 3GS and 3G have allot of similiarities. I own the Iphone 3G and a couple members of my family own the Iphone 3G. My phone is different from theres because my phone does not have a video camera and there phone does. Also, there camera is allot better than the one on the Iphone 3G. There phone you can set a picture as the background but on my phone you can only set a picture for when u lock ur phone and not as the background. Iphone 3G can only come in 16 gig and 8 gig but the Iphone 3GS can come in 8, 16 and 32 gig. Also the Iphone 3G doesnt come in white but the Iphone 3GS does come in white. The Iphone 3GS and 3G are exactly the same in looks wise. Iphone 3GS is worth 549.00$ at telus mobility without a 3 year contract , if you chose to make an account and stay with Telus for 3 years. This means that you have to no matter what conditions stay with telus for 3 years and pay a bill for the phone every month. If you buy the iphone with the contract it is 49.00$ with the contract. Iphone 3G is 9.00$ if you buy it with a 3 year contract. If you chose to not get a contract with the phone and either plan on using it as pay as you go , or do not want to have a contract which sometimes is a problem , you can get the phone for 450.00
lundi 11 octobre 2010
what is a smartphone?
Smartphones have taken over the cellphone population. If you’ve ever wondered what the difference is between an ordinary cell phone and a smartphone, then you’re not alone. A smartphone is considered a computer in your pocket.It’s a cellular phone that does more than just make calls to the point that it can actually be considered as a laptop in your pocket. There are many types of smartphones that are being created everyday. There are different types of blackberrys, iphones etc. Smartphones allow you to search the web at whatever point of the day wherever you are as long as you have a data plan? but what is a data plan? A cell phone data plan is part of a cell phone service provider's monthly plans offered to those who have an Internet-ready cell phone. Many smart phones are able to access the latest high-speed networks offered by companies, such as Verizon Wireless. If you have a smartphone, these plans can be good if you plan on getting to your email and the Internet on a daily basis from your phone. Smartphones are really useful for older people who travel and work for a company that they need to always contacts people through email. So in my opinion smartphones really are useful in our life, especially for older buisness people.
IPHONE 4.. is it really worth upgrade?
A couple of months ago apple came out with the new iphone 4. There has been rumors that there are lots of problems proven to be with it. For example there only suppose to last for 6 months before the software on your phone dies on you? This is all wrong rumors. Three of my friends have the iphone 4 and have told me that they havent had any problems with the phone what so ever. Here is a IPHONE 4 vs IPHONE 3GS review. This will show you what is different between the two phones.
Specs | iPhone 3GS | iPhone 4 | ||||||||||||
Operating System | iPhone OS 3 (Upgrade to iOS 4) | iOS 4 | ||||||||||||
Size (inches) | 4.5 x 2.4 x 0.48 | 4.5 x 2.3 x 0.37 | ||||||||||||
Weight (ounces) | 4.76 ounces | 4.8 ounces | ||||||||||||
Processor | 600-MHz ARM Cortex A8 | Apple A4 processor | ||||||||||||
Display | 3.5 inches (480 x 320 pixels, 163 ppi) | 3.5 inches (960 x 640 pixels, 326 ppi) | ||||||||||||
Camera | 3-MP | 5-MP with LED flash, VGA front camera | ||||||||||||
Video Recording | VGA @ 30fps | 720p @ 30fps | ||||||||||||
Wi-Fi | 802.11b/g | 802.11n | ||||||||||||
Sensors | Accelerometer, proximity sensor, ambient light | 3-axis gyro, Accelerometer, proximity, ambient light | ||||||||||||
Internal Memory (max) | 8GB | 16GB, 32GB | ||||||||||||
Talk / Standby Time | up to 5 hours (3G)/12.5 days | 7 hours (3G)/12.5 days | ||||||||||||
Internet Use (3G/Wi-Fi) | 5 hours/9 hours | 6 hours/10 hours | ||||||||||||
Video/Audio Playback | Up to 10 hours/30 hours | Up to 10 hours/40 hours |
do we really need the advanced phones we have today??
In our generation cell phones have taken over our view on phones to a completely different level. With all of the new types of phones we have today , we can take pictures , search the web , send text messages , etc. But do we really need all of these things on a cellphone ? Teenagers like to think that we do need all of these things they have on cell phones , but parents don't think we need all of these things. So who is right ? In my opinion I believe that we do needs these things on cellphones but I also believe that we do not. I have the IPHONE by apple and this phone lets you do whatever you want. It is like my own personal computer. I can search the web , take pictures , call people , go on facebook , twitter msn etc. Also, the Iphone lets you downloads as many apps that your phone can carry. I have an app on my phone that allows you to know where the police are around you. It comes in handy for partys! My iphone really is my life.. but do i really need an iphone or just a simple phone to text and call with ?
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