mercredi 5 janvier 2011

Blackberry messenger

Everyone who has owned a blackberry or who does own a blackberry mostly uses the app that comes with the phone called Blackberry Messenger. This is like text messaging except you can only talk to people who have a blackberry on this application. It is allot easier then texting because the messages deliver allot faster. Also , it tells you when the message is delivered and read. So you can tell if someone read your message and you can tell if there ignoring you or not. Also, you can have a display name and a personal message which allows your contacts to see. You can send smileys to another contacts and it will show up. You can send a ping to a contact which is something to get your blackberry messenger contacts attention. You have a status on blackberry messenger which you can set to busy or available so that your contacts know if your busy doing something then they know not to bother you. You can broadcast a message on blackberry messenger which is you can select which contacts you would like to send the same message to and you can send it all at once. There are some problems with blackberry messenger. It likes to freeze allot which makes you have to take out your battery and restart your whole phone. To be able to have contacts on blackberry messenger every blackberry you have has a certain pin and you either scan the barcode by addding them or simply just type in their pin code.

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