mercredi 12 janvier 2011

Bluetooth for cellphones

Now in canada that their is a law where you can not use your cellphones if you are driving they have this accesorie for phones that is called bluetooth. They have many different options of using bluetooth. They have an ear piece that easily attaches to your ear and it is very small and you can keep it on your ear at all times. So if you are not in your car but are working and you dont like always having to hold your cellphone to your ear you can just keep it attached to your ear. So its not only for when your in the car but for when your working to. Also they have a bluetooth specifically for the car. You attach it to the sun visor over top of your head where your mirror is found in ur car and you can hear the person on the phone and also talk to them. These accesories are called handsfree accessories. These are very handy so that you dont get a ticket for talking on the phone and driving at the same time. Most buisness men use the bluetooth for work also because you dont always want to have to hold your phone up to your ear. The disadvantage about using the bluetooth ear piece other than when your in your car , for example if your grocery shopping it makes it look like your talking to yourself because your not holding a phone up to your ear.

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